David and Baruch Goldstein want to help New York’s medical marijuana patients find exactly the right strain of cannabis to suit their needs.
In early 2014 the father-son duo from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, founded their tech startup, named PotBotics, to, as they put it, “elevate the cannabis industry to higher medical standards.” That means using what they say is a more scientific approach to picking a strain than, as is the case in other states, peering through the glass of a case at a dispensary and taking the advice of a “budtender” behind the counter.
In the past eighteen months, the Goldsteins have quickly opened offices in both Manhattan and Palo Alto, California, to bridge the tech talent in Silicon Valley with New York’s forthcoming medical marijuana boom and biotech industry.
Read the rest of Madison Margolin’s article: http://www.villagevoice.com/news/a-brooklyn-duo-want-to-better-prescribe-the-medical-weed-your-brain-needs-7551309