“There is always a boom somewhere,” said a famous investor long ago. If that sage had been living today, he would be focused on the world of cannabis and would have attended the Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo held at the Los Angeles Convention Center last week. The business opportunities in the years to come will equal the California Gold Rush and the real estate boom the state has enjoyed for four decades now.
Following the lead of Colorado, Washington, and Oregon, California will most likely approve the use of recreational marijuana in November 2016. The impact on the cannabis industry will be huge.
Rob Hunt, Partner at Tuatara Capital
California makes up 50 percent of the total U.S. marijuana market. L.A. County alone has a larger market share than any of the states where recreational use has been legalized.
Read “L.A.’s Cannabis World Congress” by R.W. Navis: http://www.independent.com/news/2015/sep/27/visit-cannabis-world-congress/