Canopy Growth CEO Bruce Linton
James Midas interviewed Canopy Growth (CVE: CGC) CEO Bruce Linton, covering a wide variety of topics over the fourteen minutes:
- Snoop Dogg deal was in the works for almost 2 years
- Branding now complete, with Bedrocan for medical and Tweed heading towards adult-use
- LCBO is the likely model
- $5 Bedrocan pricing allows company to “share the pain” with patients managing pain
- Tweed is focused on unique strains to produce price differentiation
- Oils are coming
- Greenhouse in Niagara now using 27% of 350K s.f.
- 30% sequential patient count growth is goal
- M&A is possible
- U.S. not really an option for now due to federal laws, but company expects to operate in other countries within next three years
Read the transcript or listen to “Canopy Growth Corp CEO Bruce Linton On Tweed’s Deal With Snoop Dog”: