Aurora Cannabis is the first approved licensed producer of cannabis in Alberta and recently won its license to sell after being approved to cultivate in February. The technologically advanced facility is a new-build rather than a retrofit, and the company spent $11.5mm to construct it
This last harvest was our eighth. It came in more than double our expected yield. We were budgeting for 1.4 pounds per [growing] light and we just did close to three pounds per light. So, 136 kilograms times $8 per gram [equals] $1,088,000 versus around $500,000 we expected. That’s significant.
Terry Booth, CEO of Aurora Cannabis
When we hit full production, we will be harvesting this amount every nine days.
Read Alan Maki’s “Inside Alberta’s growing medical-marijuana industry”: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/alberta/inside-albertas-growing-medical-marijuana-industry/article27986242/