A shot of vodka is a shot of vodka, but the THC level in a marijuana joint, vape or edible can vary tremendously from one strain or brand to another. This lack of uniform potency can make it harder to monitor marijuana’s impairment effects, and as marijuana legalization moves from state to state, more people will wonder how to use it safely. That’s what inspired the creators of Canary, an app that will tell users if they are impaired.

The Canary App, available to download on the iPhone for $2.99, steps users through four short and simple tests on memory, attention, balance and time awareness, to let them know if they are impaired. Co-founder Marc Silverman had worked with NASA astronauts and professional athletes on assessing their performance on job-related tasks, and saw a similar opportunity in marijuana legalization. “People want to know if they are impaired,” he said.
To use the app, the user’s first step is to establish their own baseline measurement, taking the four short tests when they are not under the influence of drugs, alcohol or fatigue to establish their normal performance.
Read Julie Weed’s “Tech Entrepreneurs In The Marijuana Industry Deliver a Phone App That Tells You If You’re High”: http://www.forbes.com/sites/julieweed/2015/10/18/now-your-phone-can-tell-you-if-you-are-you-too-high/