Dixie Brands, the Colorado-based manufacturer of premium marijuana infused products, has quickly established itself as a leading brand in the cannabis industry. Recently, Equities.com had the chance to sit down with Dixie CEO Tripp Keber to discuss the role of infused-products in growing the cannabis user base, taking cannabis into the mainstream, and the daunting challenges that must be faced before that happens.
So, companies like Dixie Brands and many, many other powerful brands are really going to start to accelerate and prosper from what we’re seeing now in the market here in Colorado, and then in the other states where we’re distributing it.
Read Daniel Banas’ “Tripp Keber: 2015 has Been the Year of the Infused Cannabis Products”: http://www.equities.com/news/tripp-keber-2015-has-been-the-year-of-the-infused-cannabis-products
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