
Edward Querfeld – CEO/CTO of Robotanical

Edward Querfeld is the CEO/CTO, visionary and strategist for Robotanical, a packaging and automation solutions company that provides products designed to meet the challenges of filling vape pens and cartomizers with botanical oils, tinctures, and other derivations. Years ago, Edward left a Fortune 100 company and jumped into the ‘dot.com’ boom right as it was leveling off. Not wanting to make that mistake again, he saw a parallel opportunity in the cannabis industry and dove in head first. Edward’s years of experience applying state of the art technology solutions in the aerospace and semiconductor industries have allowed Robotanical to successfully fill a niche in the cannabis industry. Robotanical‘s first product, the AtomFill, started as an automated dispensing machine, the goal being to eliminate human error & reduce waste in the process. AtomFill has evolved into a modular platform that can be adapted for various producer/processor workflows, extracts and retail packaging that their customers require. It also helps the producer/processor manage compliance with automated reporting tools. But enough about AtomFill. How did Edward make his way into the cannabis space? Why? Recently Edward to a moment to fill our atoms with this information.

Read the Interview on Cashinbis:


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