It’s a regular event that a cannabis company instantly loses its Instagram account without warning. Nate Nichols shares the recent details of Baked Bros, which, according to co-founder Nadeem Al-Hasan has seen its account closed eight times in the past two months and lost 10K followers instantly. Facebook, which owns Instagram, doesn’t allow companies to pay to advertise but will allow them to post.
Nichols discusses the emergence of MassRoots, a closed community, as a solution. The service is careful to comply laws, restricting illegal activity and barring minors. MassRoots provides cannabis advertisers with access to its 675K registered users without fear of sudden loss of the ability to connect.
It’s a case of entrepreneurs being spread so thin, they’re trying to do everything at once, when they should be asking themselves, ‘Where would my efforts be best directed?’ MassRoots is the largest social network for the cannabis industry. They have to go where their audience is.
Amy Donohue, Hybrid Social
Read Nate Nichols’ “Cannabis Businesses Shunned By Social Media, Pot-friendly Social Network Created”: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/cannabis-businesses-shunned-by-social-media-pot-friendly-social-network-created-7897448