Staffan Hillberg, CEO of Heliospectra, is a seasoned, Swedish-based entrepreneur whose in-depth, practical experience is specialized towards international companies who are financed via venture capital. Staffan cut his entrepreneurial teeth raising, setting up and managing venture capital funds while also working through the processes of buy-outs, corporate finance, and mergers and acquisitions. With the help of Staffan’s experience with high technology companies, like Apple, Heliospectra, a company that has been around since 2006, has become one of the leading developers and suppliers of energy-efficient LED grow lights for greenhouses, indoor cultivators, and researchers. However, as many in the cannabis industry already know, success isn’t a given and Staffan has had to overcome hurdles to get to where he is today. What were those hurdles and how can you learn from his journey? Staffan recently took some time to tell us all about it.
Read Tim Strombel’s interview with Staffan Hillberg “Staffan Hillberg: Lighting Up The Cannabis Industry”: