Hans Enriquez is quite the personality. He’s witty, driven, and personable. He’s committed to his vision, enraptured by his clientele, and has succeeded in creating a new type of experience for the cannabis consumer community. For years, the cannabis community has found themselves wandering into dingy storefronts being sold only low-quality products and vessels in the stereotypical dark and sketchy atmosphere, but with the changing tide of cannabis in mainstream culture, they’ve been looking for something more. That is where Hans sought to explore the opportunity to create a new smoke shop experience, one that empowers its customers rather than shaming them, and that is the niche in which him and his team at LazyDaze Co. are seeking to bring worldwide.
Read the interview on Cashinbis: http://www.cashinbis.com/hans-enriquez-updating-the-smoke-shop-experience/